
Huron-Kinloss website will track strategic goals

Residents can now get regular updates about how the Township of Huron-Kinloss strategic plan will shape the community for the next decade.

CAO Jodi MacArthur explained a new online dashboard will track the progress as they implement the plan, called Blueprint for our Future.

"The dashboard is a tool that we use, both internally and to report out to the public on the progress of our strategic plan that we just completed last year," she added. "It will show some of the goal areas that we had in the plan and how staff are working towards achieving those goals. Some of the actions are very specific, some are more broad and ongoing, but it should give us a good idea of how we're progressing in our journey in the ten year plan."

The dashboard is accessible through the Township’s website. It will offer quarterly updates on the goals, objectives, and actions outlined in the Strategic Plan.

MacArthur stated that the plan is organized into four key focus areas.

"So basically our goal areas are embracing rural lifestyles, preparing for inclusive growth, enhancing service delivery and ensuring financial stability. And then there are specific goals within those key focus areas," she outlined. "The previous plan. It was a ten year plan as well, and we just did an annual report on that. So we're hoping that this will be a little more interactive and allow people to see progress as the year goes on, rather than waiting until the end of the year to report back."

MacArthur said the initiative is part of the ongoing Digital Modernization Roadmap and utilizes the Envisio software to enhance transparency and community engagement.

"I hope everybody likes it, and we're always open to hearing feedback," she concluded.

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